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Safety and Security


School safety refers to the prevention of and protection from hazards that may cause injury, illness, or harm to people or property within the school premises or during school-related activities. School safety encompasses a wide range of issues, such as fire safety, food safety, environmental safety, transportation safety, emergency preparedness, and health and wellness. School safety also involves the promotion of a positive school climate that fosters respect, and well-being for all members of the school community.


School security refers to the prevention of and protection from threats that may cause violence, disruption, or damage to people or property within the school premises or during school-related activities. School security encompasses a wide range of issues, such as crime prevention, access control, surveillance, lockdown procedures, and crisis management. School security also involves the collaboration with law enforcement, emergency responders, and other external agencies to ensure a coordinated and effective response to incidents that may pose a risk to the school community.

Although there are policies and procedures in place for both, we continue to experience too many incidents.  The 2023-2024 school year resulted in 5 teachers were charged with sexual misconduct, sexual assault and sec trafficking.  UNACCEPTABLE!  And poor security and we can do better!

Committee to Elect Denise Morrison
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