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Financial Transparency

Klein School Board Is Mismanaging Its Budget. As A Finance Manager, I'd Know.
With 24 years of experience managing multi-million-dollar budgets as a Finance Manager for companies like Exxon, Compaq and HP, it's safe to say I'm an expert when it comes to budgets. As a candidate for Klein School Board, I took a look at the Klein ISD budget and I need to tell you what I've found.
A $36 MILLION deficit. If you listen to the Board meeting on June 10, you will hear the Board Members acknowledge this and that they moved money from the general fund to cover this large shortfall. However, it begs the question, what about next year? And the year after that?
According to the Texas Education Agency (TEA), Klein ISD's current debt stands at $1.4 billion. This figure reflects an increase due to the 2022 Bonds that were voter-approved. Although not all the bonds have been issued, the funds that have been utilized have primarily gone towards the refurbishment of older schools within the district.
The expected 2025 tax rate of $1.0119 per $100 of property value includes approximately $0.345 allocated for the debt fund. This tax rate has not been brought to the board for approval yet but in the interest of transparency, it should have been. Such transparency would have provided voters with a more comprehensive understanding of Klein ISD's financial health before the election.
As we move forward, it is crucial for the district to manage its finances responsibly & transparently while maintaining open communication with the community about current and future challenges. That's the only way we will be able to make Klein ISD financially healthy again.
Financial transparency is important to us all as taxpayers! That's why I'm inviting you to attend our Campaign Kickoff Event this Saturday, Sept 7th.You can find the details on the Event page.  I hope to see you there!

Committee to Elect Denise Morrison
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